Sunday 8 June 2025   3:30 pm

The Seventh SVF Musical Tea Party

Dedham Assembly Rooms

Gill Wilson & Emma Bishton soprano
Zachary Kleanthous tenor
Paul Torrington bass
Asuka Sumi & Patrick Rimes violin
Louise Jameson bass violin
Peter Holman chamber organ

Come and support SVF by enjoying a slap-up tea, starting with a glass of prosecco, with delicious music sung and played by leading members of Psalmody and the John Jenkins Consort. We contrast music by Purcell and his teacher and colleague John Blow, including Blow’s delightful and innovative ode ‘Awake my lyre’, and Purcell’s rarely performed ode to music ‘Raise, raise the voice’.

Seating is at round tables with places reserved. When tickets are bought together, the places will all be at the same table. Please let us know if you would like to be seated with people buying their tickets independently.

Tickets: £25
Click here to book tickets