Monday 29 August 2016   11:00 am

A Blast from the Past

A lecture recital for young people of all ages
Music by Landini, Machaut, Josquin, Praetorius, Purcell, Telemann and others
  • Syrinx:
  • Ann Allen
  • Belinda Paul
  • Gail Hennessy
  • Sally Holman 
  • playing bagpipes, shawms, dulcians, Deutsche schalmei, oboes and bassoon

This entertaining lecture recital on double-reed instruments brings the sound world of the courts and cities of Europe vividly alive, from the thrilling sound of the Mediaeval alta capella and the dance music of the Renaissance waits bands to the polished and sophisticated repertoire of the Enlightment oboe bands. Music by Landini, Machaut, Josquin, Praetorius, Purcell, Telemann and others. Suitable for young people of all ages.

Syrinx performs wind music from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries on historical instruments. Its members play in many of the world’s leading period instrument orchestras and chamber groups, and the group recently made its CD debut with The Saxon Alternative, a collection of Telemann’s wind ensemble music.

‘…endless pleasure in rarely heard pieces’  The Sunday Times