Sunday 30 June 2013   6:30 pm

Supper Concert 2013

Music for 2 sopranos & strings by Monteverdi, Schütz, Purcell, Handel & others
  • Claire Tomlin soprano
  • Sarah Potter soprano
  • Ilana Cravitz violin
  • Zen Edwards violin
  • Louise Jameson bass violin
  • directed by Peter Holman

Much of the music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was written as tafelmusik or music for the table, to be performed as entertainment during the formal dinners of the European royalty and aristocracy. 

In our annual supper concert in Dedham’s Georgian assembly rooms we recreate something of the atmosphere of an evening’s entertainment at a palace or grand country house.  A rich selection of Baroque chamber music is performed between the courses of a three course meal with wine.