Sunday 14 February 2016   6:00 pm

Oh! The Sweet Delights of Love

CharpentierSpring from The Four Seasons
BlowParatum cor meum
PurcellO dive custos (Elegy on the Death of Queen Mary)
DumontPavane in D minor
CouperinMagnificat in D minor
PurcellNow that the sun has veiled his light (The Evening Hymn)
MonteverdiIo son pur vezzosetta
MonteverdiOhimè ch’io cado
CharpentierSuperbo amore, al mondo imperi
CouperinA l’ombre d’un ormeau
DraghiThe Italian Ground
PurcellTwo daughters of this aged stream (from King Arthur)
PurcellOh, the sweet delights of love (from Dioclesian)
  • Claire Tomlin soprano
  • Emma Bishton soprano
  • Louise Jameson bass violin
  • Peter Holman harpsichord

We celebrate St Valentine’s Day with a delightful programme on the theme of love in its various aspects, sacred and secular and from first rapture to profound grief. Baroque composers revelled in the bright and sensuous sonorities of two sopranos with continuo, producing masterpieces such as Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s sensuous ‘Spring’ motet setting lines from the Song of Solomon, Henry Purcell’s Elegy on the Death of Queen Mary and François Couperin’s superb setting of the Magnificat.

In the second half we lower the tone with frank and witty explorations of secular love, by Monteverdi, Charpentier and Couperin, ending with duets from Purcell’s King Arthur and Dioclesian.