Saturday 26 August 2000   12:00 pm

Two cantatas, a concerto and a sonata

TelemannConcerto in A minor, TWV43:a 3
attrib. Melchior HoffmannCantata ‘Meine Seele ruehmt und preist’
TelemannSonata in F major, TWV 42:F 1
BachCantata No. 152 ‘Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn’, BWV 152
  • Philippa Hyde soprano
  • Patrick McCarthy tenor
  • Adrian Peacock bass
    Tassilo Erhardt violin &
    viola d’amore
  • Ann Allen oboe
  • Sarah Saunders recorder
  • Sally Holman bassoon
  • Louise Holman cello &
    bass viol
  • Peter Holman chamber organ

Bach’s Cantata No. 152 ‘Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn’ is one of his most beautiful small-scale sacred works.  It is contrasted with the charming cantata ‘Meine Seele ruehmt und preist’, once accepted as Bach’s Cantata No. 189 but now thought to be by his Leipzig contemporary Melchior Hoffmann.  They both use solo voices with a delicate and colourful accompaniment of recorder, oboe and violin or viola d’amore and continuo.

The instrumental group gave a highly successful concert of Vivaldi in last year’s Festival, and will play sparkling instrumental works by Bach’s friend and colleague Georg Philipp Telemann.