Champagne and Burgundy – a Celebration of Machaut and Dufay

Philippe de Vitry (1291 – 1361)Gratissima virginis / Vos qui admiramini / Contra: Gaude Gloriosa
Solage (fl.1370-90)Tres gentil cuer
AnonymousOn doibt bien aymer
SolageJoieux de cuer
AnonymousSingularis laudis digna
Letetur celi curia
Lullay, lullay: Als I lay
Stella maris illustrans omnia
Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300 – 1370)Il m’est avis
C’est force, faire le weil
Fins cuers doulz / Dame, je sui cilz
Inviolata genitrix / Felix virgo / Contra: Ad te suspiramus
AnonymousSanctus à 3 from the Old Hall Manuscript
Nowell, Nowell: tidings true
Agnus Dei à 4 from the Old Hall Manuscript
Gilles de Binchois (c.1400 – 1460)Adieu mon amoureuse joye
Johannes Harcourt (fl.1390 – 1410)Je demande ma bienvenue
Gilles de BinchoisDueil angoisseux
Leonel Power (d. 1445)Beata progenies
PlainchantVeni creator spiritus
John Dunstaple (c.1383-1453)Veni sancte spiritus / Veni sancte spiritus / Contra: Veni creator
Guillaume Dufay (c.1400 – 1474)Adieu m’amour, adieu ma joie
J’atendray tant qu’il vous playra
Kyrie from Missa ‘La mort de Saint Gothard’
  • Gothic Voices
  • Catherine King mezzo-soprano
  • Steven Harrold, Julian Podger, Leigh Nixon tenor

Guillaume de Machaut and Guillaume Dufay were two of the greatest Mediaeval composers, and were associated with the Champagne and Burgundy regions of France respectively.  This programme contrasts chansons and motets by both composers, and also explores the role English composers of the period played in the development of French mediaeval music.

Gothic Voices, one of the world’s leading and most innovative Mediaeval groups, is famous for its recordings on the Hyperion label.