Friday 22 August 2003   8:15 pm

Johann Pachelbel and J. S. Bach

Johann PachelbelChrist lag in Todesbanden
Partie in G major
Canon and Gigue in D major
J.S. BachNach dir, Herr, verlanget mich (Cantata No. 150)
PachelbelPartie No. 4 in E minor
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan
Die freuderfüllten Abends-Stunden
J.S. BachChrist lag in Todesbanden
  • Claire Tomlin soprano
  • Jennie Cassidy alto
  • Patrick McCarthy tenor
  • Julian Perkins bass
  • Psalmody
  • The Parley of Instruments
  • directed by Peter Holman

Johann Pachelbel (1653–1706) is known today almost entirely for his Canon, originally written for three violins and continuo, but arranged in modern times or everything from solo organ to brass bands and pop groups.  However, he was one of the most important German composers of the seventeenth century, and was a great influence on his relative, the young Johann Sebastian Bach.  This anniversary concert (he was born 350 years ago) is an opportunity to explore more of his music, including some of his suites for strings and two fine sacred ‘concertos’ for voices and instruments based on Lutheran chorales.  It includes his setting of ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’, and Bach’s great setting of the same chorale, Cantata No. 4, which it inspired.  Also included is another fine early work by Bach, ‘Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich’ (Cantata No. 150) which contains the model for the finale of Brahms’s Fourth Symphony.