Sunday 26 October 2003   6:00 pm

J. S. Bach and the Concerto

J. S. BachA minor violin concerto
Brandenburg Concerto no. 3 in G major
Brandenburg Concerto no. 6 in B flat
F major oboe concerto
C minor concerto for violin and oboe
  • Gail Hennessy oboe
  • Judy Tarling violin
  • Essex Baroque Orchestra
  • directed by Peter Holman

Johann Sebastian Bach’s concertos are some of the greatest works in the Baroque orchestral repertory, though not all of them are as well known as they deserve to be.  The programme will include the A minor violin concerto, one of Bach’s greatest tributes to Vivaldi, and two Brandenburgs Concertos, the brilliant no. 3 in G major, scored for nine-part strings and continuo, and the intimate no. 6 in B flat, for two violas, two bass viols, cello and continuo.  There will be two less familiar works, the F major oboe concerto and the great C minor concerto for violin and oboe, the probable first versions of works that only survive as harpsichord arrangements made by Bach in Leipzig in the 1730s.

Gail Hennessy is one of Britain’s most prominent Baroque oboists, and has recently released a recording of Vivaldi’s solo oboe music on the Signum label.  Judy Tarling leads The Parley of Instruments and Essex Baroque Orchestra, and is the author of Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners.