Saturday 28 August 2004   12:00 pm

The Classical Horn

Antonin ReichaSolo in E minor
Nikolaus von KrufftSonata in E major
Ludwig van BeethovenSonata in F major, Op. 17
  • Anneke Scott natural horn
  • Kathryn Cok fortepiano

Anneke Scott is rapidly emerging as one of the outstanding younger exponents of the natural horn.  Here Beethoven’s youthful Op. 17 sonata is placed in the context of works by his contemporaries and followers: a solo by Antonin Reicha (1770 – 1836) and a sonata by the precocious, short- lived Nikolaus von Krufft (1779 -1818). All use the technique of hand stopping, which in the late eighteenth century turned the Baroque hunting horn into a fully chromatic instrument. The prize-winning pianist Kathryn Cok plays a copy of a fortepiano by Nanette Streicher, whose instruments were admired by Beethoven.