Musical Tea Party 2022

Stuart O’Hara bass
Asuka Sumi violin
Louise Jameson bass violin
Peter Holman chamber organ
Support SVF by enjoying a lavish tea accompanied by delicious seventeenth‐century music by Biber, Purcell, Bruhns, Schmelzer and others. Stuart O’Hara is rapidly making a name for himself as a solo bass and sang in our last concert before lockdown, in March 2020. The Japanese violinist Asuka Sumi has a particular interest in the seventeenth-century virtuoso violin repertoire. She has recently been appointed leader of Leeds Baroque Orchestra, working with Peter Holman.
Seating is at tables with places reserved. When tickets are bought together, the places will all be at the same table. Please let us know if you would like to be seated with people buying their tickets independently. We clearly cannot wear masks while having tea, but the Assembly Rooms is large and well-ventilated and the circular tables ensure that participants will not be crowded together.
Tickets: £20 including a glass of prosecco
Book tickets