Sunday 28 August 2022   6:30 pm

Celebrity Recital: Admirable Sweet Musicke

Songs of Love and Loss from Machaut to Purcell
  • Charles Daniels tenor
  • Terence Charlston harpsichord & clavichord

Charles Daniels is world­-renowned for his expressive and virtuosic singing of early music. In this fascinating
recital he introduces and sings songs by Machaut, Leonardo da Vinci, Henry VIII, Senfl, D’India, Carissimi,
Henry Lawes, Blow and Purcell.

Terence Charlston, a leading exponent of early keyboard instruments, gave the absorbing clavichord
recital at the 2019 festival.

Tickets: £18 reserved (SOLD OUT), £14 unreserved (half-price to those under 30)
Booking opens on 13 June