Monday 29 August 2022   11:00 am

Mediva: O in Italia

O in Italia: a Summer Holiday with Italian Sunshine and Medieval Music
  • Mediva:
  • Ann Allen shawm, recorder & doucaine
  • Adrien Reboisson shawm, recorder & doucaine
  • Maxine Fiorani percussion

Let Mediva transport you to sunny Italy with an upbeat programme of beautiful love songs and exotic dances, performed on a plethora of Medieval wind instruments and percussion. It features trecento music by Francesco Landini,
Jacopo da Bologna, Andrea da Firenze and the ubiquitous Anonymous.

Featuring an international line­up of virtuosos, Mediva has been delighting and stimulating audiences with their innovative approach to Medieval music for more than 20 years. Its SVF debut, at Christmas 2017, was a memorable occasion, bringing joyous performances of English Medieval music to a snowy Dedham.‘Mediva provided the energy and grace to bring centuries-old songs alive again’, Brighton Argus

Tickets: £15 reserved, £12 unreserved (half-price for those under 30)
Booking opens on 13 June