The Purcell Project Fund

A new fund to support concerts over the next few years featuring the major works of Henry Purcell in the context of his predecessors, contemporaries and followers. It began with the Purcell and Jeremiah Clarke concert in the 2022 Festival and continues with The Fairy Queen in the 2023 Festival. Our future plans include complete performances of Purcell’s music for The Indian Queen and King Arthur, the masque from Dioclesian paired with the great ode ‘Hail, bright Cecilia’, and Dido and Aeneas with Helen Charlston as Dido.
Will you help us by supporting this exciting project? Your help will enable us to be ambitious and bold in our planning, meeting the additional expenses required to do justice to these wonderful works. Your contribution will be acknowledged in a list of donors in our concert programmes, unless you request anonymity.
If you would rather donate by cheque or by BACS transfer, please download a form you can complete and send to us.