The King shall rejoice

Henry LawesZadok the priest
John BlowGod spake sometime in visions
Henry PurcellI was glad
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem
A Pastoral Coronation Song
My heart is inditing
George Frideric HandelOverture from The Occasional Oratorio
My heart is inditing
William BoyceThe King shall rejoice
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
George Frideric HandelZadok the priest
  • Psalmody and Friends
  • Essex Baroque Orchestra
  • directed by Peter Holman

Shortly after Charles III’s coronation we bring you all the greatest music written for Coronation services between Charles II (1661) and George III (1761), including four of the greatest anthems ever written: John Blow’s ‘God spake sometime in visions’, Henry Purcell’s ‘My heart in inditing’ and Handel’s ‘Zadok the priest’ and ‘My heart is inditing’. As befits the special occasion, Psalmody is augmented for the glorious eight-part choral writing and the orchestra features three trumpets, timpani, oboes, bassoons, strings and continuo.

Tickets: £20 (£15 unreserved), half-price for those under 30