Friday 25 August 2023   7:30 pm

Heinrich Schütz: Drama, Virtuosity & Splendour

Heinrich SchützFreue dich, des Weibes deiner Jugend
Ich beschwöre euch, ihr Töchter zu Jerusalem
Lässt Salomon sein Bette nicht umgeben
Vincenzo AlbriciSinfonia in D minor
SchützParatum cor meum
O Jesu, nomen dulce
Siehe, es erschein der Engel des Herren
Sei gegrüsset Maria du holdselige
Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk
Johann Rosenmüller Sonata Duodecima
Schütz Himmel und Erde
Verleih uns Frieden
Es steh Gott auf
Siehe, wie fein un lieblich ist’s
Herr, nun lässest du deiner Diener in Friden fahren
  • Charles Daniels tenor
  • Psalmody
  • John Jenkins Consort
  • directed by Peter Holman

We planned this special concert for last October to mark the 350th anniversary of the death of Heinrich Schütz, who died on 6 November 1672, but COVID intervened. Schütz was J.S. Bach’s greatest predecessor, renowned for his vivid and profound Biblical scenes – a counterpart to Rembrandt, his contemporary and counterpart. We focus on his work for the Dresden court during the Thirty Years’ War, with music ranging from virtuoso solo motets sung by the world-renowned tenor Charles Daniels to large-scale pieces for multiple soloists, divided choirs, a five-part string consort, harpsichord and organ. Some of them reflect those turbulent times, as relevant then as now.

‘Charles Daniels is magnificent: technically assured, impassioned and lyrically supple’ BBC Music Magazine

Tickets £18 (unreserved £14), half-price for those under 30