Sunday 10 March 2002   6:00 pm

Heinrich Schütz: Sacred Histories & Dramatic Dialogues

Heinrich Schütz (1585 – 1672) Sei gegrüsset, Maria (The Annunciation Dialogue)
Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (The German Magnificat)
Da pacem, Domine / Vivat Moguntinus
Johann Hermann Schein (1586 – 1630) Suite no. 6 in A minor from Banchetto musicale
Heinrich SchützDie Sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz (The Seven Last Words)
Historia der Auferstehung Jesu Christi (The Resurrection History)
  • Psalmody
  • Rose Consort of Viols
  • directed by Peter Holman

With dramatic ensembles and a narrative accompanied by a consort of viols, Schütz’s remarkable Resurrection History of 1623 stands at the head of a tradition that led to J. S. Bach’s oratorios and passions.  In this programme it is preceded by several of his smaller sacred dramatic works, including the Annunciation Dialogue of 1639 and The Seven Last Words of 1645.  Also included is the austerely beautiful double-choir Magnificat of 1671, the composer’s swansong.

Psalmody is the resident choir of the Suffolk Villages Festival and has received critical acclaim for its recordings for Hyperion Records.  The Rose Consort of Viols is one of Britain’s leading viol consorts, with many recordings and performances in major concert series to its credit.