A Baroque Christmas

Giovanni GabrieliMagnificat à12
Michael PraetoriusQuem pastores laudavere
Joan CererolsSerafin, que con dulce armonia
Heinrich BiberAlleluia, tres reges de Saba veniunt
Marc-Antoine CharpentierIn nativitatem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Canticum
Henry PurcellRejoice in the Lord alway
Georg Philipp TelemannConcerto in F major TWV44:41
George Frideric HandelGloria in B flat major
attrib. J S BachEs ist ein Kind geboren BWV142
  • Claire Tomlin soprano
  • Psalmody
  • children’s choir from local schools
  • The Fret Knots viol consort
  • The John Jenkins Consort
  • directed by Peter Holman

A feast of colourful and joyful Christmas music from around Baroque Europe, with carols, motets, and instrumental music by Giovanni Gabrieli, Michael Praetorius, Heinrich Biber, Henry Purcell, Georg Philipp Telemann and others. Highlights will be a delightful miniature Christmas oratorio by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, the fine cantata ‘Es ist ein Kind geboren’, once thought to be by J.S. Bach, and Handel’s virtuosic setting of the Gloria.

Peter Holman’s vivid performances of Baroque music have delighted audiences at SVF and further afield for many years. In this concert he directs two of our resident ensembles, with contributions from a choir of children from local schools and a viol consort from Ipswich High School as part of our educational outreach programme.