Monday 28 August 2000   7:30 pm

A Leipzig Coffee House Concert

TelemannSuite in C major
J. S. BachConcerto in D minor for 2 violins, strings and continuo
Sinfonia in G major to Cantata No. 174
MarcelloOboe Concerto in D minor
J. S. BachBrandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F major
  • Gail Hennessy oboe
  • Judy Taring violin
  • Tassilo Erhardt violin & violino piccolo
  • Essex Baroque Orchestra
  • directed by Peter Holman

Some of the earliest public concerts in Germany were given in Leipzig by the Collegium Musicum, a group founded by Telemann in 1704 and run by J.S. Bach at Zimmermann’s coffee house in the 1730s.  This popular programme brings together Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 and the Double Violin Concerto with music by Telemann and an oboe concerto by Alessandro Marcello, a work known to Bach and arranged by him for solo harpsichord.  A rarity in the first movement of Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in the composer’s sumptuous later arrangement with the addition of three oboes, two horns and bassoon to the nine-part string ensemble.