Monday 26 August 2024   11:00 am

The World of the Baroque Flute

JJ QuantzSonata in B minor for flute & harpsichord
JJ HotteterreL’autre jour ma Cloris (Brunette) for solo flute
CPE BachSonata in G major for flute & harpsichord
François CouperinQuatrieme Ordre for solo harpsichord
JS BachSonata in B minor for flute & harpsichord
  • Noemi Gyori Baroque flute
  • Paul Nicholson harpsichord

The Baroque flute came of age in the early eighteenth century as cultivated music lovers all over Europe took it up with enthusiasm, spurred on by the wonderful music composed for it by the leading composers of the time. This informal recital, introduced by the performers, features sonatas by: JJ Quantz (Frederick the Great’s flute teacher) and CPE Bach (the king’s harpsichordist), as well as JS Bach’s Sonata in B minor with obbligato harpsichord, one of the greatest Baroque flute works. There will also be music from the court of Louis XIV at Versailles: by Jacques Hotteterre and harpsichord music by François Couperin.

Noemi Gyori, a much sought­-after international flautist with six solo albums to her credit, is now emerging as a leading exponent of the Baroque flute. Paul Nicholson gave up a flourishing career as a harpsichordist and organist (including several visits to SVF in its early years) to become a priest. We are pleased to welcome him back after his recent retirement from the church.

Tickets: £15 reserved, £12 unreserved (half-price to those under 30)
Book tickets here