Sunday 8 December 2002   6:00 pm

Das Neugeborne Kindelein: Christmas Music by J. S. Bach and his Predecessors

J.S. BachNun komm der heiden Heiland, Cantata 61
Heinrich SchmelzerPastorella in G major
Andreas HammerschmidtO ihr lieben Hirten
Christoph BernhardCurrite pastores in Bethlemhem
Heinrich BiberPastorella in A major
Johann Samuel BeyerFürchtet euch nicht
Franz TunderHelft mir Gott’s Güte preisen
Philipp Freidrich BöddeckerNatus est nobis
Johann Rudolf AhleMerk auf mein Herz
Johann PachelbelKanon and Gigue in D major
Anonymous arr. J.S. BachO Jesulein süss
Dietrich BuxtehudeDas neugeborne Kindelein
  • Claire Tomlin soprano
  • Patrick McCarthy tenor
  • Psalmody
  • members of Essex Baroque Orchestra
  • directed by Peter Holman

Several of our annual Christmas concerts have explored the rich repertory of seasonal music written in Lutheran Germany during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.  This year the concert surveys music for the Christmas season from Advent to Epiphany, beginning with J.S. Bach’s Advent cantata ‘Nun komm der heiden Heiland’ and ending with Buxtehude’s delightful ‘Das neugeborne Kindelein’.  In between there will be motets and sonatas by Schütz, Tunder, Bernard, Schmelzer, Biber and others.

Claire Tomlin has been appearing at the Suffolk Villages Festival since she was a student, and is now much in demand as a solo and consort singer, working with groups such as the Monteverdi Choir and Ex Cathedra.  She gives regular recitals in London, at Lincoln’s Inn and other venues.