Monday 29 August 2011   12:00 pm

Douce dame debonaire

Secrets and desires in Mediaeval song

Jehan Erart‘Nus chanters’, instrumental realisation
Anonymousmotet ‘Plus bele’ / ‘L’autrier’ / ‘Quant revient’
Moniot de Paris‘Je chevauchoie l’autrier’
Anonymous, France‘Chanter voel par grant amour’
Anonymouslai ‘Li lai de la pastourelle’, instrumental realisation
Guiot de DijonDe moi doloreus vos chant
Anonymousreverdie ‘En Mai au douz tems’
Thibaut de Champagne‘Commencerai a fere un lai’
Anonymous, Roman de Fauvel‘Douce dame debonaire’
Anonymous, School of Notre-Dame‘Flos in monte cernitur’
Anonymouslai ‘Planctus ante nescia’, instrumental realisation
Anonymous, School of Notre-Dame‘Pange melos lacrimosum’
Guillaume de Machaut‘Douce dame jolie’
  • Belinda Sykes voice & director
  • Jennie Cassidy voice
  • Jean Kelly harp & fidel
  • Jim O’Toole vielle & voice

Joglaresa is one of the foremost groups specializing in Mediaeval music, with an international following for its innovative concert programmes and recordings. In this programme it explores the world of the twelfth- and thirteenth-century trouvères, the poet-musicians who developed and popularised the concept of courtly love in northern France.

There will also be songs by Guillaume de Machaut (d. 1377) and from the Roman de Fauvel, the fourteenth-century allegorical poem that satirizes and castigates the corruption of the church and contemporary society.

‘Joglaresa are at the forefront of singers and instrumentalists whose study of improvisation and ethnomusicology informs and shapes their imaginative re-creation of Medieval music-making’ – The Times

‘Joglaresa’s imaginative use of improvisation creates an exciting air of authenticity … compulsive rhythmic energy … luxuriantly ornamental solos’ – Daily Telegraph