Monday 26 August 2019   2:00 pm

Gainsborough and the Linley Family: an Afternoon of Events

An afternoon of events in collaboration with Gainsborough’s House
  • Mark Bills Executive Director of Gainsborough’s House
  • Dr William Davies Southampton University
  • Stephen Varcoe Suffolk Villages Festival Chairman

2pm        Thomas Gainsborough: the Linley family and music at Gainsborough’s House: a talk by Mark Bills, Executive Director of Gainsborough’s House

2:45pm  The Linley Family: New Discoveries: a talk by Dr William Davies of Southampton University.

3:30pm   A chance to view the Gainsborough’s House exhibition. Tea will be available.

4pm        The Linley Sisters and Eighteenth-century Vocal Culture: a talk by Stephen Varcoe, Suffolk Villages Festival Chairman

This afternoon of events is the latest instalment of our fruitful collaboration with Gainsborough’s House. Thomas Gainsborough was an accomplished musician; he painted many of the eminent musicians of his day, and became close friends with some of them, including John Christian Bach, Charles Frederick Abel and the Linley family. He painted many of the Linleys, including Thomas senior, musical director at Drury Lane, his daughters Elizabeth and Mary, both leading sopranos of the day, and his son Thomas junior, violinist and composer, whose superb music is the subject of this evening’s concert.