Sunday 10 October 2021   7:00 pm

Gloria in excelsis Deo: Music of Death and Rebirth from Monteverdi to Handel

Claudio MonteverdiConfitebor tibi Domine
Giovanni LegrenziSonata in G major ‘La pezzoli’, op. 4
Christoph BernhardAus der Tieffen
Johann RosenmüllerSonata no. 2 in E minor
Henry PurcellIn the black dismal dungeon of despair
Diderik BuxtehudeHerzlich thut mich verlangen
Arcangelo CorelliCiacona in G major, op. 2 no. 12
George Frideric HandelGloria in B flat major
  • Philippa Hyde soprano
  • The John Jenkins Consort:
  • Judy Tarling violin
  • Ilana Cravitz violin
  • Louise Jameson bass violin
  • Peter Holman chamber organ

A very special concert, twice postponed because of the pandemic and celebrating a ‘foreign tour’ to a new venue in Essex: St Mary’s, Wivenhoe, now beautifully restored and modernized. We take you in an hour of superb seventeenth-century music from Monteverdi’s light and certainty through darkness and doubt, powerfully expressed by Christoph Bernhard (a favourite Schütz pupil), Purcell and Buxtehude (a setting of the Passion chorale), to joy in the form of Handel’s youthful Gloria, only discovered in 2001 but now one of his most popular works.

Due to popular demand, this is a second performance of this programme – book now to avoid disappointment!

Tickets: £15 (students £7.50)
Book tickets

Parking will be available in the car park of the William Loveless Hall (High St, CO7 9AB) and in the free public car park opposite The Greyhound pub (62 High St, CO7 9AZ)