J.S. Bach: Cantatas 42 & 140, Suite No. 4 & Brandenburg 6
Bach | Cantata 140 ‘Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme’ |
Bach | Orchestral Suite No. 4 |
Bach | Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 |
Bach | Cantata 42 ‘Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats’ |
- Kate Semmens soprano
- Francis Gush countertenor
- Bradley Smith tenor
- Stuart O’Hara bass
- Tassilo Erhardt & Patrick Rimes viola
- members of Essex Baroque Orchestra
- directed by Steven Devine
Steven Devine’s Bach series continues with two great cantatas, sung as Bach intended with four solo voices and a small ensemble. No. 42, ‘Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats’, is a profound sound picture of the risen Jesus appearing to his disciples. No. 140, ‘Wachet auf’, combines settings of Nicolai’s great chorale with ecstatic dialogues between Jesus and the Soul.
Brandenburg Concerto no. 6 turns the conventions of the Baroque concerto on its head: two violas, normally lowly members of the orchestra, are given virtuosic solo parts, accompanied by just two bass viols, violoncello and continuo.
The brilliant Suite or Ouverture no. 4 is remarkable for its rich interplay between three oboes and bassoon and a string quartet with continuo.
Steven Devine is one of the world’s leading early music specialists, celebrated as a soloist as well as a director of
leading ensembles here and abroad.
Tickets: £20 reserved (SOLD OUT), £15 unreserved (half-price for those under 30)
Booking opens on 13 June