Friday 26 August 2022   7:30 pm

Monteverdi: L’Orfeo

MonteverdiL’Orfeo (1607)
concert performance
  • Philippa Hyde soprano
  • Faye Newton soprano
  • Charles Daniels tenor
  • Daniel Auchincloss tenor
  • Stuart O’Hara bass
  • Psalmody
  • The John Jenkins Consort & friends
  • directed by Peter Holman

Our long-­running project concludes with Monteverdi’s first and best-­known opera, the work that effectively established a brilliant new genre. It tells the familiar Greek myth of Orpheus’ descent into Hades in search of Euridice, but the original tragic conclusion is replaced by the appearance of Orpheus’ father Apollo, who reunites Orpheus and Euridice. Monteverdi’s superb music, expressive and brilliant by turns, made a profound impact at the time, as it has done in modern times.

This will be a memorable occasion, not to be missed. The cast of notable early music singers is accompanied by 22 musicians playing the instruments specified by Monteverdi: natural trumpet, cornetts, sackbuts, dulcian, a violin consort, three theorboes, double harp, two harpsichords, chamber organ and regal.

Supported by the SVF Monteverdi Project Fund

Tickets: £20 (£15 unreserved), half-price for those under 30
Booking opens on 13 June