Sunday 25 June 2017   3:30 pm

SVF Musical Tea Party

PurcellTell me some pitying angel (The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation)
HandelCantata ‘Nel dolce dell’oblio’ (Pensieri notturni di Filli)
CouperinLe rossignol en amour
Handel‘T’was when the seas were roaring (The Melancholy Nymph) from The what d’ye call it
Bach‘Schweigt, ihr Flöten’ (Cantata no. 210a)
ChédevillePastorale in A major
VivaldiCantata ‘All’ombra di sospetto’ RV687
  • Philippa Hyde soprano
  • William Summers flute & recorder
  • Louise Jameson violoncello
  • Peter Holman harpsichord

Support SVF by enjoying a lavish tea (including a glass of prosecco on arrival) while listening to music by Purcell, Couperin, Handel, Bach and Vivaldi.

Please note: the beautiful, ancient Old Town Hall in Hadleigh is the perfect setting for our Musical Tea Party, but please be aware that the only access to the Hall is by a short staircase; we regret that there is no provision for those who cannot manage stairs.

Seating will be at tables for seven or eight, with places reserved.  If you ask for more than one ticket, we shall assume that you wish your whole party to be at the same table.  If you would like to be seated with people who are buying their tickets independently, please let us know their names.