Sunday 30 March 2003   6:00 pm

The Fam’d Italian Masters

Alessandro MelaniSonata a5 in C major
Maurizio CazzatiSonata a4 in G minor ‘La sampiera’
Giuseppe Maria JacchiniSonata a5 in D major
Giovanni Battista VitaliSonata in A minor ‘La Sassatelli’ op. 5/10
Francesco ManfrediniConcerto in D major
Ferdinando Antonio LazzariSonata a6 in D major
Giovanni LegrenziSonata in E minor, op. 10/17
Andrea GrossiSonata a5 in D major
Giuseppe TorelliSonata a5 in D major G7
Alessandro ScarlattiSonata a4 no. 1 in F minor
Antonio VivaldiConcerto for two trumpets in C major RV537

  • Alison Balsom & Crispian Steele-Perkins trumpet
  • Judy Tarling & Theresa Caudle violin
  • Tassilo Erhardt viola
  • Mark Caudle bass violin & cello
  • Peter Holman chamber organ

Crispian Steele-Perkins, one of the world’s leading trumpeters, makes a welcome return to the Festival with Alison Balsom, an exciting young trumpeter who burst on the scene by winning the brass finals of the Young Musician of the Year.  In this dazzling new programme, trumpet sonatas and concertos by Torelli, Stradella, Manfredini and Vivaldi are contrasted with intense works for four-part strings by Cazzati, Legrenzi and Alessandro Scarlatti.

The Parley of Instruments, one of the most experienced & accomplished Baroque string consorts in the world, has made many visits to the Festival.