The Gesualdo Six: English Renaissance Masterpieces
Thomas Tallis | Te lucis ante terminum |
William Byrd | Ave verum corpus |
Aspice Domine | |
William Cornysh | Ave Maria Mater Dei |
John Taverner | Quemadmodum |
Walter Frye | Ave Regina Caelorum |
Thomas Tallis | Salvator mundi |
William Byrd | Laudibus in sanctis |
Orlando Gibbons | O Lord, in thy wrath |
William Mundy | A new commandment |
Thomas Tallis | If ye love me |
Robert Ramsey | How are the mighty fallen |
Sheryngham | Ah, gentle Jesu |
Thomas Tomkins | When David heard |
Turn unto the Lord |
- The Gesualdo Six
- directed by Owain Park
We are delighted to welcome the worldfamous vocal consort The Gesualdo Six, directed by Owain Park, as it celebrates its tenth anniversary. They explore masterpieces from the golden age of polyphony in England from the fifteenth century (Walter Frye and William Cornysh), through the turbulent years of the Reformation and the Elizabethan Settlement (Tallis and Byrd) to the early seventeenth century (Tomkins, Gibbons and the East Anglian composer Robert Ramsay). This glorious music is a perfect match for the soaring arches and sublime acoustics of St Mary’s, Stoke by Nayland.
’perfectly blended vocal harmony, exquisite tuning, inventive phrasing, delicately poised textural clarity…’
Anthony Pryer, BBC Music Magazine
£20 reserved SOLD OUT
£15 unreserved
(half-price to those under 30)
Book tickets here